Introducing AJW's Stone Wall Sessions
The set. Note the white stone walls in the background.
Every artist out there has some form of “Basement” or “Acoustic” Sessions. Stripped down, raw, simple videos of acoustic performances. I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel are be super clever here guys, I just want an easy, quick way to share the songs I’ve written with the people I care about and the people that care to listen.
The name itself is a good representation of what the sessions will be. Not super clever or dressed up, but there is a bit of depth and unique-ness (hopefully to it). My name is Alexander James, aka AJ. Andrew Jackson (AJ) was known as Stonewall Jackson. My basement is made of stone walls. There ya go. I haven’t tried to unpack this or dress it up any more than that loose connection.
Not that fancy, seriously guys.
If you read my post about “Breaking the Silence” these sessions are the response. Easily accessible acoustic songs released (hopefully) somewhat regularly. So here’s what you can expect from Stone Wall Sessions:
Do expect acoustic performances, probably just an instrument or 2, recorded live with very little editing or production.
Don’t expect perfect, highly produced and layered songs. If I miss a note badly enough, I might do another take, but there will be no melodyne or autotuning of vocals here.
The first song is below, but click here or go to the videos page to see the full collection.